Sunday, January 31, 2010


Okay, so the reason why I haven't written anything yet is certainly not because I don't have anything to write about, it's simply that the last two weeks have been a bit overwhelming for me and I really didn't want to come onto a blog and get all emo /wrist on it.

There are a plethora of topics that I'd love to pose arguments towards. I'm the type of person whom you will never know what my position on a topic is until the end. I love playing devil's advocate and saying the worst possible statements, simply to get a reaction out of people, then digress and pose my real position, which is usually the complete opposite of what I've been arguing for. I feel that this stand allows me the opportunity to view an argument from both sides, possibly seeing even a third side to an argument, and having better clarity in which to make my true argument.

For example: I believe that the earthquakes in Haiti have been the single greatest thing to happen to the shared island nation. There has been nothing greater, save for their independence in 1804 from French rule, to occur in all of the Haitian history.

You see, here most people would be offended, some even shocked. Many are wishing that my mother had used birth control, and some are even imagining killing me in my sleep.

But they'd be easily fooled. Because my argument actually has nothing to do with Haiti at all. I'm completely ambivalent to the situation in Haiti. What my true argument is that I believe that it is ridiculous to imagine all of the money from the rich and "generous contributions" from such famed actors, many of whom are so stuck on the smell of their own farts that they have to form a "guild" and hand out "awards" just because it has become too difficult to pat themselves on the back. All of these "generous contributions":

Microsoft Corp: $1.25 mil
Gisele Bundchen: $1.5 mil
Google : $1 mil
Jefferies Group: $4.5 mil

(Jefferies Group is a New York based banking firm, and who the hell cares who Gisele Bundchen is, she gave more than Bill "holy shit I'm fucking rich" Gates)

All of this is on top of the $100 mil that Pres Obama has given, well... the taxpayers gave, he just signed the check.

Yet, we have children, here in the great United States of America, who are digging through dumpsters for something to eat.

We can't seem to help those who have lost their jobs due to the recent economic collapse and recession, but we can give $100 mil to another country because of poor location?

I get it, lots of injured and dead people. That sucks, and believe it or not, my heart goes out to them and their families, but that doesn't negate the fact that while we're out rushing food to another country, there are those in our own that will die of starvation tonight.

This poses the moral question, is one life more important than another?

The sensible answer is an emphatic no. One cannot put a weight to human life. However, how is it that it's SO important to help the Haitians now that they've had earthquakes? What about the starving Haitians during December? Why does it take a natural disaster for us to pay attention to human suffering? Why are we so blind to human suffering in our own nation?

Furthermore, due to all of the funding and "relief" that's being given to Haiti, their infrastructure and entire economy will turn around. They'll put up some nice hotels and it'll become the new spring break locale.

So one has to question, where are our priorities? How long until Haiti becomes yesterday's news? Did anyone else know that Michel Jackson died!? I just found out, that they finally buried him, because I shot myself in the face after the first two weeks of constant coverage.

Believe it or not, there are a million reasons to spend millions of dollars on the millions who need it right here in America. Also, believe it or not, if you just hate America, there are billions of reasons to spend billions of dollars for billions of people who need it in third world countries around the world.

But that wouldn't be the "cool" thing to do, unless your name is Angelina. We pay billions of dollars to actors and sports players, but we can't help those who truly need the money to survive.

God bless America, and God bless Haiti.

Picture of homeless children living in Chicago.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Laughing club

it's a club that you hit people who are laughing with.